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Our Services

Online Marketing Elites offers a wide portfolio of advertising services that covers the gamut of the modern digital landscape.


Frequently asked questions


Do you guarantee marketing results?

It is important to guarantee good results in the digital marketing campaign. We offer a guarantee that we will perform as promised or we will refund your payment. Simple as that. This will ensure that you have a secure investment. In addition, you can choose to pay for the our services on a monthly basis or per project.

When choosing us to be your digital marketing partners, it is important to consider our experience and reputation in three simple ways:

1. We offer a refund guarantee. This minimizes risk when your company engages in digital marketing campaigns.

2. We have the right tools for your needs. When you select an agency that has all the tools needed for digital marketing campaigns, why not hire one that already has these tools available rather than one that reinvents the wheel?

3. Our agency has a good reputation in the industry. Other companies have used the services we offer and have found them extremely satisfactory as well. We openly provide customer reviews and testimonials.


Will I pay any fees if I cancel my package?

We do not provide partial refunds for pro-rated work not already performed. If you are unsatisfied with the results of a campaign, and it is found that we have not performed as promised, then we offer a full refund.


How does the support work?

Customer service is an important part our agency. We take seriously the process of providing customers with a positive experience when they interact with your brand online, and when they interact with our brand, also. We build relationships, keeping everyone informed and engaged, and delivering the right message at the right time.

We create a sense of trust that can lead to repeat business and word-of-mouth marketing referrals, which is our most import form of advertising.

It's also about following up when there are issues, being consistent across all channels, and correcting problems as quickly as possible. We have excellent customer service, because it helps build loyalty in the long term. It might seem like a small thing, but it can make a huge difference when you need help or want to recommend us to someone else.


How soon will I have my first results?

Digital marketing is one of the most effective ways to drive online traffic, engagement and sales. But just like any other type of marketing, it’s important to set realistic expectations and keep track of your results over time.
One thing that can affect your results is the length of time it takes for customers to see your ads. For example, if you're using Google AdWords or Facebook Ads, you might see a significant increase in traffic after a few weeks but not see much additional engagement or sales after that initial burst. If this is the case, it's important to keep testing and adjusting your campaign so that you can get the most out of every dollar you spend.


How big is your marketing team?

Size matters, but not all agencies are created equal. We also take great pride in our ability to provide strong customer service. We offer a level of service simply impossible at a large agency. We operate on a simple principle: The best digital marketing agencies are lean; they know how to efficiently deliver results and are more likely to have satisfied customers.